Saturday, November 27, 2021

Dna extraction research paper

Dna extraction research paper

dna extraction research paper

Nov 04,  · However, the yield is lower as compared with Qiagen DNeasy Blood and tissue kit. Still, the amount of DNA obtained from the phenol-chloroform DNA extraction method is good. Read the full research paper of Stephanie Bougel and Jean Benhatter, click here. Limitations: The phenol-chloroform method of DNA extraction is time-consuming and tedious DNA was first recognized and identified by the Swiss biologist, Johannes Friedrich Miescher in during his research on white blood cells. The double helix structure of a DNA molecule was later discovered through the experimental data by James Watson and Francis Crick DNA barcoding is a method of species identification using a short section of DNA from a specific gene or genes. The premise of DNA barcoding is that, by comparison with a reference library of such DNA sections (also called "sequences"), an individual sequence can be used to uniquely identify an organism to species, in the same way that a supermarket scanner uses the familiar black stripes of

Dna extraction lab report

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. We have developed a quick and low-cost genomic DNA extraction protocol from yeast cells for PCR-based applications. This method does not require any enzymes, hazardous chemicals, or extreme temperatures and is especially powerful for simultaneous analysis of large number of samples.

DNA can be efficiently extracted from different yeast species Kluyveromyces lactisHansenula polymorphaSchizosaccharomyces pombedna extraction research paper, Candida albicansPichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The protocol involves lysis of yeast colonies or cells from liquid culture in lithium acetate-SDS solution and subsequent precipitation of DNA with ethanol. Approximately ng of total genomic DNA can be extracted from 1 × 10 7 cells. DNA extracted by this method is suitable for a variety of different PCR applications including colony-PCR, real-time qPCR and DNA sequencing for amplification of DNA fragments at dna extraction research paper up to base pairs.

Cell wall is the main obstacle for quick and easy lysis of yeasts and therefore it must be disrupted for efficient recovery of genomic DNA gDNA. Conventional methods for gDNA preparation from yeast cells utilize either enzymatic degradation 1or beating with glass beads 2generally followed by lysis of cells with detergent and extraction of gDNA with phenol-chloroform. When analyzing large dna extraction research paper of samples these methods are time consuming and relatively expensive.

For quick genotyping cells can be lysed also by repetitive freezing-thawing cycles in the buffer containing Triton X and SDS, followed by extraction of gDNA with chloroform 3. Although this method is considerably faster than conventional gDNA preparation methods, it dna extraction research paper transfer of the sample to a new test tube after chloroform extraction, which slows down the protocol and makes it inconvenient for simultaneous handling of large number of samples.

Alternatively, gDNA can be prepared in a single tube by simple SDS treatment 4. However, dna extraction research paper, the yield of gDNA by this protocol is relatively low Fig. In addition, high number of cells is required for the protocol and for subsequent PCR the reaction buffer has to be supplemented with Triton X 4. A PCR amplification of S. cerevisiae gDNA prepared from single yeast colonies by LiOAc-SDS method A; lanes or by SDS treatment method B; lanes B Total lysate of 1 × 10 7 cells prepared by methods A and B was analyzed on 0.

Lanes 1- 4: dilution series of yeast gDNA concentration standards prepared by method D; lane 5: gDNA prepared by method A; lane 6: gDNA prepared by method B; lanes gDNA prepared by methods A and B were purified further by RNase A and Proteinase K treatments, followed by phenol:chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation of gDNA. Longer exposure of the gDNA band is shown in the lower panel.

C-F Optimization of LiOAc-SDS lysis protocol conditions. Concentrations of SDS and LiOAc, lysis time and temperature were tested panels C, D, E and F, respectively. Variable parameters are indicated below the panels and constant parameters are shown on top. RT- room temperature. PCR products were analyzed on 0.

Sequences of PCR primers are listed in Supplementary material, dna extraction research paper. As lithium acetate LiOAc is commonly used in yeast transformation protocols to weaken cell walls 56we decided to combine it with SDS to develop a quick, efficient and robust method for gDNA extraction from yeasts.

Precipitated DNA was dissolved in μl of TE, cell debris was spun down by brief centrifugation 15 g; 1 minute and 1 μl of the supernatant was used for PCR. Two different gDNA fragments, and base pairs, were amplified in separate reactions and the PCR products were analyzed on 0. For comparison, gDNA from another eight S. cerevisiae colonies was prepared by simple SDS-treatment 4 method B; see Supplementary material for detailed protocols of other DNA preparation protocols.

As shown on Figure 1Adna extraction research paper, both bp and bp fragments were efficiently amplified from all samples prepared by LiOAc-SDS method Fig, dna extraction research paper. We also determined the yield and purity of the gDNA prepared by LiOAc-SDS and by method B. cerevisiae cells were grown in liquid YPD media and aliquots of the culture were used for preparation of gDNA, dna extraction research paper.

Approximately ng of gDNA can be extracted from 1 × 10 7 cells by LiOAc-SDS method, while the yield of gDNA by method B is about ten times lower Fig. Both preparations contain high amounts of RNA that can be removed by subsequent RNase A treatment Fig. Spectrophotometrical quantification of gDNA after RNase A and proteinase K treatements of the samples confirmed the yield of ng of gDNA per 1 × 10 7 cells by LiOAc-SDS method data not shown, dna extraction research paper.

Taken together, we conclude that the lysis of cells by LiOAc-SDS treatment is a simple, efficient and reliable method for extraction of yeast gDNA. Next we optimized the protocol to find out the critical components for effective gDNA extraction by LiOAc-SDS lysis. We dna extraction research paper different concentrations of SDS Fig.

We also used different incubation times Fig. In all experiments μl aliquots of mid log-phase liquid culture were collected and suspended in μl of lysis solution.

In these experiments we varied the test conditions so that the tested component was the limiting factor in the reaction. For example, short incubation time was used for testing of different temperatures Fig. Next we determined the maximal length of PCR products that can be amplified from DNA obtained by LiOAc-SDS method. As shown on figure 2Aamplification of DNA fragments up to bp was successful regardless of the method used.

However, amplification of large DNA fragments and bp required delicately handled and purified DNA method D. Based on these results we recommend the use of LiOAc-SDS DNA extraction method if the desired PCR amplicon does not exceed bp.

A Comparison of genomic DNA amplification efficiencies of various amplicon sizes. Genomic DNA was prepared by LiOAc-SDS method Aby glass bead beating method C and by zymolyase-SDS method D from cells grown overnight in 10 ml liquid YPD media.

cerevisiae VPS13 locus. B LiOAc-SDS lysis of Saccaromyces cerevisiae strain WPichia pastoris strain GSCandida albicans strain CAI4Schizosaccharomyces pombe strainHansenula polymorpha strain CBS and Kluyveromyces lactis strain IFO cells grown for dna extraction research paper days on YPD-agarose plates.

Single colony from each species was taken for DNA extraction by LiOAc-SDS method. The following loci were amplified: VPS13 S, dna extraction research paper.

cerevisiae ; bpURA3 P. pastoris ; bpMIP1 C. pombe ; bpHpMAL1 H. polymorpha ; bp and TRP1 K. lactis ; bp. PCR products were analyzed by 0. We also confirmed that our method is suitable for direct gDNA extraction from other yeasts. Altogether six yeast species K, dna extraction research paper.

lactisH. polymorphaS. pombeC. albicansP. pastorisand S. cerevisiae were tested. One colony from dna extraction research paper YPD plate was lysed by LiOAc-SDS method. The lysis of cells from all selected species was successful as DNA was amplified from all samples Fig.

In addition to simple PCR-based genotyping, we have used LiOAc-SDS extracted and Pfu DNA polymerase-amplified S. cerevisiae gDNA for BigDye® v3.

We have also used LiOAc-SDS extracted gDNA directly in real-time qPCR reactions for quick genotyping of yeast colonies data not shown. However, although this method is suitable for gDNA extraction for variety of downstream PCR applications, we do not recommend it for direct use in Southern blot analysis or Next-Gen sequencing, as the presence of RNA Fig.

In summary, dna extraction research paper, we have developed a quick and reliable dna extraction research paper for gDNA extraction from yeasts that is suitable for PCR amplification of DNA fragments up to bp.

The protocol can be carried out in a single test tube within 15 minutes and cells from both liquid and solid media can be used. The method is suitable for routine genotyping of yeasts either by simple detection dna extraction research paper PCR products, or for initial amplification of genomic DNA for sequencing; procedures that are widely used for analysis of scientific, environmental, industrial and clinical samples.

We thank Drs. Tiina Tamm, Tiina Alamäe and Signe Värv for critical reading of the manuscript and providing the strains of different yeast species. This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship grant no.

This paper is subject to the Wellcome Trust Public Access Policy. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23, TartuEstonia. Dissolve pellet in μl of H 2 O or TE and spin down cell debris for 15 seconds at 15 g. COMPETING INTERESTS STATEMENT. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU.

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How to easily extract DNA with the QIAGEN DNeasy Blood \u0026 Tissue Kit

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dna extraction research paper

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