The paper presents a digital foreground calibration technique for pipeline analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). While the conventional calibration approach requires additional buffered voltage refe I had looked into many tutoring services, but they weren't affordable and did not understand my custom-written Pipeline Adc Phd Thesis needs.'s services, on the other hand, is a perfect match for all my written Pipeline Adc Phd Thesis needs. The writers are reliable, honest, extremely knowledgeable, and the Pipeline Adc Phd Thesis results are always top of the class! Disclaimer: Please note that all Pipeline Adc Phd Thesis kinds Pipeline Adc Phd Thesis of custom written papers ordered from academic writing service, including, but not limited to, essays, research papers, dissertations, book reviews, should be used as reference material only. Therefore, when citing a paper you get from us in your own work, it should be properly referenced
Design and Implementation of High Performance Pipelined SAR ADC for Wireless Communications
This website uses cookies to collect information to improve your browsing experience. Please review our Privacy Statement for more information. For high speed application, pipeline adc phd thesis, pipelining and SAR are combined to further improve the speed. As the bottleneck in traditional pipeline ADC, the associated residue generation and amplification continues to be extensively researched to achieve higher resolution.
The dual-residue architecture is illustrated with design of an 11b two-step pipelined ADC consisting of 8b coarse and 5b fine with 2b over-range SAR sub-ADCs, which resolve 2b and 1b per SAR conversion cycle, respectively.
Two ZX signals or dual-residues in opposite polarities automatically available in each 2b SAR cycle are sampled and held at the end of the coarse conversion for use as the full-scale FS reference for the fine SAR that quantizes a fixed input of zero, pipeline adc phd thesis.
An on-chip foreground offset calibration circuit is proposed and implemented to correct the offset mismatch in the dual residues. Simulation and measurement results are provided to demonstrate the operation and performance of the proposed ADC architecture. This work also discussed the continuous time analog low pass filter which is usually placed in front of ADC to prevent aliasing.
Operational transconductance-C filter and active-RC filter are explored and designed. The simulation and measurement results are provided to demonstrate the functionality and performance. x Cookie Acknowledgement This website uses cookies to pipeline adc phd thesis information to improve your browsing experience.
Skip to Navigation Skip to Content. Browse All of AUETD. pdf 2. Author Jin, Xin. Type of Degree PhD Dissertation. Department Electrical and Computer Engineering. Restriction Status EMBARGOED. Restriction Type Full. Date Available Metadata Show full item record.
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Apr 16, · PhD Dissertation. Department. Electrical and Computer Engineering. Restriction Status pipelining and SAR are combined to further improve the speed. As the bottleneck in traditional pipeline ADC, the associated residue generation and amplification continues to be extensively researched to achieve higher resolution. A/D converter (ADC This thesis addresses these challenges using the pipeline ADC as a demonstration platform. Specific new design techniques/algorithms include (1) a power-efficient, capacitor ratio-independent conversion scheme, (2) a pipeline common-mode voltage regulation circuit, (5) an amplifier and comparator sharing The paper presents a digital foreground calibration technique for pipeline analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). While the conventional calibration approach requires additional buffered voltage refe
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