Saturday, November 27, 2021

Holocaust essay contest

Holocaust essay contest

holocaust essay contest

“CHILDREN AND THE HOLOCAUST” ESSAY CONTEST Criteria, Content and Mechanical Specifications 1. The essay and completed Entry Form, signed by the student and parent, must be submitted no later than March 1 of each year. An electronic copy is much preferred, but a paper copy may be submitted. No late entries will be judged. 2 The Holocaust Essay and Art Contests allow students to research Holocaust history and share what they have learned about tolerance and respect for others to ensure events like the Holocaust will 23rd Annual Holocaust Art and Writing Contest Turning Memory to Strength Living with Courage, Resilience and Hope Participating schools may submit a total of three entries (one entry per student) in any combination of the following categories: art, film, poetry, or prose

Students invited to enter Holocaust Essay Contest

Here are printed in full length the winning essays in the Holocaust Youth Essay Contest. The contest is open to all students in grades Division I and Division II.

Discuss and give examples of how people in at least one country helped Jews. What do you think you would do in a similar situation and why?

The award winners were announced and presented at the community-wide Yom HaShoah Commemoration on April 7. The top two winners in each division won a trip to the U. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, holocaust essay contest, D. Their schools will receive a book.

It is chaired by Holocaust essay contest Ancel. The SS officers are coming to check the house. Although I am not Jewish, I am risking as much as the Jews hiding in my cellar, my life. Holocaust essay contest am a rescuer, some might even call me a Righteous Gentile, but I just holocaust essay contest of myself as someone trying to holocaust essay contest innocent people escape their deaths, holocaust essay contest.

This was the situation for the people in Europe who saved Jews. Denmark, France and the Netherlands were three European countries in which many people tried, with many succeeding, to save Jews from being persecuted by the Nazis. Denmark was the only occupied country that actually resisted the Nazi attempts to deport its Jewish citizens. Out of 8, holocaust essay contest, Danish Jews, only were deported.

The story of two individuals, Herbert Pundik and Erling Kiaer, and a resistance group called Holger Danske illustrates how the Danish people worked together to help Jews, holocaust essay contest. Herbert Pundik, a year-old Danish Jew, had to go into hiding when the Germans captured Denmark, holocaust essay contest. Herbert was later smuggled into Sweden on a small, crowded fishing boat with 12 other Jews. The trip took a whole night; fishermen, rowers and other volunteers rowed it.

Unfortunately, holocaust essay contest, in MayKiaer was betrayed and arrested. France was another occupied country that had many resistance groups. Although the aim of many was just to kill Nazis and help the invasion, there were still some people who helped Jews.

Le Chambon was a small village in southern Vichy France. The villagers in Le Chambon hid thousands of Jews in private homes, farms and churches. They saved mostly children because they could blend in with local kids at school or homes. The villagers also aided many people who were on their way to Switzerland, holocaust essay contest. All these people were encouraged by Pastor Trochme, who also hid many in his home. Maquis were what the French called small armed groups of men and women who fought the Nazis in the forests and published an underground newspaper, which was considered secret Nazi intelligence and information.

Many of these groups also helped the Allies in the liberation. Many, many Jews participated. In fact 15 to 20 percent of these groups were Jews. The Armeé Juive or the Jewish Army was a Jewish resistance group established in They organized armed resistance under the Zionist flag until the liberation. This group was able to smuggle Jews out of the country. When the Nazis invaded the Netherlands, many Dutch people did not like how their army and government did nothing and just welcomed the Nazis into the country.

Since the government would not fight, some people decided to fight back themselves. One group was the Communist party, which included many Jews. They organized holocaust essay contest February strike inwhich was a big protest against anti-Jewish laws. Many, many Jews participated in this protest. Unfortunately after the February strike the Gestapo killed all the leaders of the Communist party. One more example of resistance in the Netherlands involved the story of Anne Frank.

Anne Frank was a teenage girl whose family had taken refuge in Amsterdam from Germany before the war. Anne wrote a diary that has become famous about her life in hiding. While they were in hiding, some very nice non-Jews helped them out for two years, getting them food, new books and even clothes.

Someone heard of their hiding and informed the Gestapo, who sent the Franks and everyone else hiding with them to concentration camps. Anne and her sister, Margot, later died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp of typhus.

Denmark, France and the Netherlands were three of the many countries in Nazi governed Europe that helped the Jews. These holocaust essay contest countries all had resistance groups that both fought against the Nazis and supported Jews. These resistance groups helped the Jews by aiding them, leading them to safe countries, hiding them or simply holocaust essay contest Jews into their program, so they too could help fight the Nazis. These three countries also had outstanding individuals who risked their lives to save other people.

There were also the stories of those holocaust essay contest who lives illustrate the difficulties that the Jewish people faced during those harsh times. If I were in a similar situation, I would be part of a very large resistance group because the chances of being caught are holocaust essay contest. I would also donate money to other groups or to people who need it because they are hiding or supporting Holocaust essay contest. Another way I could help Jews would be to let them temporarily stop at my house for a night or two, if they are on their way to refuge in another country.

I would help any Jew that knocked on the door, until the situation became really bad for him, too, and he had to flee from Europe because he was also Jewish. Sixty-nine righteous people have been recognized by Yad Vashem from a very unlikely country. That is more than have been recognized from Switzerland, Great Britain, holocaust essay contest, and America combined.

The unique thing about this country is that 82 percent of its people are Muslim. This country had the most Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust.

When most people think of Muslims interacting with Jews, the thought is usually that such interaction is negative. It is, therefore, surprising that during World War II, holocaust essay contest, thousands of innocent Jews were saved by Muslims from Albania, a small country between Greece and Italy. Many Albanians threw themselves into the effort to save Jews. Even the Prime Minister, Medi Frasheri, found ways to stop what was going on, holocaust essay contest.

He was a member of a branch of Islam called Bektashi, the most liberal of Muslims and also very peaceful. Medi Frasheri refused to give up the names of Jews living in Albania to Nazi occupiers. He also organized an underground for all of the Bektashis to shelter Jews, both citizens and refugees. Not many people understood this concept at this point in history. There cannot be infidels.

There cannot be discrimination. If one sees a good face, one is seeing the fact of God. Not holocaust essay contest the prime minister, but also the King of Albania made sure Albania would do as much as they could to save Jews.

King Zog reigned during World War II. He had Jewish friends living in Vienna: the Weitzmans and the Oestereichers, who designed crown jewels for the royal family.

King Zog issued around four hundred passports to Jews, mainly from Vienna. He also rescued his close friends from the concentration camps directly. After the war, King Zog met the Oestereichers who were in need of help financially.

The king gave them the same crown that they had made him. While the royalty of Albania did a lot to save Jews, holocaust essay contest, the citizens of Albania helped as well. Hysen Marika, who owned a famous dairy, had to travel for business a lot, and once, he met a Jewish family from Bulgaria.

He hid them in his own house. They lived like part of the family. The neighbors never knew their real identity. The Germans often searched the house they lived in. When this happened, Hysen sent the family to a safe house.

Once, the Germans found a briefcase that belonged to the Jewish family containing their personal information, holocaust essay contest. The police took it to the headquarters, but Hysen Marika demanded that he get it back. The briefcase was returned unopened. This was the life or death situation. Now, only one of the family members is alive and he lives in Israel. Aferdita Marika, the daughter-in-law of Hysen Marika keeps in touch with him. Another example is the story of how Barjam Golemi tells of how his father, the chairman of the Nationalist Party in Gjirokaster, a city near the Greek border, saved hundreds of Jews.

He lived in Garosh, Albania. Knowing the Germans were coming to deport Holocaust essay contest, he made arrangements for hiding places in surrounding villages. At first, the Jews asked how much they would pay for a hiding place. He refused compensation. Eventually, the Jews of Varosh decided not to leave their homes. Holocaust essay contest of forcing them to, holocaust essay contest, he set up a militia of non-Jews to protect them.

He also had the villagers deny that there were any Jews living there at all.

2014 Highlights from the Holocaust Art \u0026 Writing Contest

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Holocaust youth essay contest open for entries | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

holocaust essay contest

The Holocaust Reflection Contest encourages students to consider how these lessons apply to their own lives and the future of our diverse society. Through art, poetry, essays, and digital media, students express their thoughts, feelings, and hopes in creative ways. The winning projects can help others explore these topics and the everlasting impact of the past Chapman University’s Annual Holocaust Art and Writing Contest. “Everyone is a winner. Students, teachers, parents and our society are all beneficiaries. As are Holocaust survivors. Survivors benefit because their stories are absorbed by young minds who will be witnesses to the future”. William Elperin, President of The Society The Holocaust was a genocide which lasted from to in which around 6 million European Jewish people were killed. It was the result of the Ideals of the past chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler. Hitler came to power in by capitalising on worldwide events such as the great depression in resulting from the Wall Street crash

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